What is Object in java programming (object oriented programming)?
Objects in Java :An object oriented programming language Definition of an Object: An object in java programming is an instance of a class. Object is the implementation of the concept given by the class. Whenever an object is created all the non static member of the class gets activated. Object in java programming is responsible for allocating memory to all non static member of the class. When object of the class is created , a context is created into heap memory area. In this heap memory all the non static member gets memory. The size of the context in heap is decided according to the members(if there are 2 integer variable in the class and 2 float variable then size of the context will be 16 bytes). Here is a demonstration of how a member gets memory in the heap memory area(HMA). Discussing back to the object, Basically object is used to access/call non static members of the class. Without creating object we are unable to use members of the class, but indirectly ...