
Showing posts with the label Stored

Internals of Stored Procedure - JDBC

STORED PROCEDURE This post is very useful to know about internals of Stored Procedure. JDBC is used for database operations in java and Stored procedures are used for eliminating overhead from Java. Internals of Stored-Procedure will cover all the concepts like What is Stored Procedure, What is procedure, When do people prefer Stored Procedure, Advantages and uses of Stored Procedure, Disadvantage or flaws of Stored Procedures, API of Stored Procedure, Types of Procedure etc… Before knowing about Stored Procedure we should know about What is Procedure? Procedure is nothing, It is a only function or method of database. These database methods contains group of SQL statements. We create procedure using PL/SQL programming. Stored Procedure is nothing but it is one of the most useful mechanism for creating procedure in the database and called by java program is known as Stored Procedure. There is a one big question that When do we prefer using Stored-Procedure? The answer of thi...